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Image by Steven Van Loy

Best Divorce Lawyers in Chicago Illinois 

Hire the Best Divorce Attorneys to represent you in your divorce case. Contact Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC for a free consultation.

Finding the best divorce attorneys in Chicago can be challenging, especially considering how divorce laws vary by state, highlighting the importance of understanding local Illinois law. You want someone who brings legal knowledge and personal understanding to the table. The divorce attorneys at Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC are committed to providing excellence and justice to the clients of our firm.


To help you understand how picking the right divore attorneys will help you, we outline key considerations for selecting the right divorce attorney well versed in Illinois divorce law, the financial complexities of divorce, and child custody dynamics within the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act.


Without unnecessary frills, we guide you through the traits that define the best divorce attorneys in the city at Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC and give you resources to support your journey, emphasizing the value of choosing our experienced divorce attorneys who can navigate the complexities of divorce cases in Chicago.


Hiring a Chicago divorce attorney to represent you in your matter is key to protecting your rights during the division of assets, determination of spousal maintenance, and when the court looks at what the best interest of the child within a divorce may be to determine custody. Before you file a petition for dissolution in your case, consider what an experienced divorce attorney can do for you.


To book a free consultation with a top rated divorce attorney in Chicago, call us at (312) 971-2581 or book a consultation online.

Dissolution of Marriage Key Takeaways​

  • Selecting the appropriate divorce attorney in Chicago involves assessing their skill, knowledge and experience in specific areas such as complex financial matters, child advocacy, and domestic violence cases, catering to diverse needs and challenges in the divorce process. Divorces are a legal issue that require skilled and competent attorneys to protect the interests of spouses and children.

  • Illinois divorce law follows a no-fault system, requiring residency for at least 90 days before filing and focusing on equitable, rather than equal, distribution of marital assets and debts based on various factors.

  • Contested divorces in Illinois require experience in complex litigation, especially when the divorce involves children and high net-worth assets that are marital property.

Abstract Curves

There is no shortage of good divorce attorneys in Chicago, Illinois. However, finding the right divorce lawyers can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack.


You need an attorney to represent you in your case who knows Illinois divorce laws and focuses on the specific challenges of your case. Whether it’s intricate asset division, child custody disputes, or handling cases of abuse, the divorce attorneys at Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC bring a wealth of experience to your case.


At Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC, we are the best divorce lawyers for your case because of the drive and knowledge that we have regarding Illinois dissolution of marriage and family law cases.

Complex Financial Matters in Divorce Cases

In divorce cases that encompass significant assets or intricate business valuations, it is crucial to engage lawyers who possess skills and knowledge in financial matters. Legal professionals apply their financial acumen to the realm of family law. They work hand in hand with monetary experts to navigate through the complex financial ramifications and assess future earning potential within divorce litigation.


Attorneys like Aaron Korson are recognized for their skill and knowledge in forensic scrutiny of corporate finances and complexities tailored to cater to clients with substantial wealth.

Dedication to Child Advocacy In Divorce Matters

blonde child playing in meadow

In divorce proceedings where children are part of the equation, the significance of the case intensifies considerably. It is essential to engage an attorney who is deeply dedicated to advocating on behalf of children.


Professionals take it upon themselves to strive for a child's best interests in family law. It is our job to make sure that the parent's rights are protected and children’s needs and perspectives are duly recognized and given proper consideration. These issues are at the heart of parenting time considerations by the circuit court.​ Such commitment becomes critical when dealing with issues like custody and child support, where a child’s welfare stands as the foremost concern.


By hiring Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC, you are receiving the best possible representation in your divorce and family law case. Call us today at (312) 971-2581 for a free consultation regarding your case.

Experience with Domestic Violence Cases in Illinois 

During divorce proceedings, especially when domestic violence is involved, it’s imperative to have legal representation from an attorney skilled in handling such sensitive matters. ​


Divorce law firms like Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC leverage their extensive knowledge and experience to ensure that those affected by abuse receive the necessary protection throughout their divorce process.


Bronze Lady Justice


couple sitting on couch considering divorce

Grasping the nuances of the divorce process in Chicago is essential for a more manageable experience amid such a difficult phase. A Joint Simplified Dissolution of Marriage can expedite matters when conditions are met, as well as an uncontested divorce approach. One must not overlook that attendance by both spouses at the hearing is mandatory and that, except under rare situations like deceit or error, the judge’s decree will stand as conclusive.


Understanding the legal process involved in divorce, including navigating the complexities of legal separation, alimony, child custody, and asset division, is crucial for protecting your interests.​ During divorce proceedings in Illinois, judges hold the authority to grant spousal support to either party involved after a hearing on the matter.

Dissolution of Marriage Residency Requirements

In Illinois, to initiate a divorce proceeding, one spouse must have been living in the state for at least 90 days preceding the filing or before the court finalizes the divorce judgment. It is permissible to commence with filing for a divorce even if you haven’t yet fulfilled this 90-day residency prerequisite. You will not be able to receive your official decree of divorce until after completing the mandatory period of residence within Illinois.

Grounds for Divorce in Contested Matters

Previously, obtaining a divorce required evidence that one’s partner had committed wrongdoing. Nevertheless, Illinois has transitioned to recognizing only no-fault divorces. As a result, irreconcilable differences are the sole basis for dissolving a marriage without having to establish blame. Effective January 1, 2016, all fault-based reasons like adultery, cruelty or desertion have been eliminated in Illinois.


Despite this shift away from assigning fault in the grounds for divorce itself, judges may still consider conduct such as infidelity or drug abuse when these actions have notably impacted the financial state of the marital union.

Court Filing Procedures For Dissolution of Marriage

When you’ve established the basis for a divorce and satisfied the necessary residency requirements, you can begin with initiating divorce proceedings. In Illinois, this involves filing for dissolution of marriage in any county where either spouse resides using forms endorsed by the Illinois Supreme Court. The steps involved in beginning the divorce process include:


  1. Submission of a petition.

  2. Reaching an agreement on how to divide property.

  3. Filing both the petition and agreement concerning property division with the Clerk of Circuit Court.

  4. Disclosing financial information about assets and liabilities

  5. Deciding on a parenting strategy if children are involved.


For couples who qualify under specific criteria, there exists an expedited version of these procedures known as Joint Simplified Dissolution of Marriage that may be used to facilitate a quicker resolution to their case.

Navigating Child-Related Issues

Fortunately, when children are involved, skilled divorce attorneys can expertly manage child custody and support matters to protect the interests of the children throughout divorce proceedings. In Illinois, creating a tailored parenting plan is crucial for ensuring their well-being.


Such a plan ought to cover arrangements for physical and legal custody, schedules for holidays and vacations, transportation logistics, as well as other pertinent facets of childcare.


The plan needs to take into account variables such as the number of children involved, each parent’s net income level, frequency of overnight visits with either parent along with expenses related to health insurance and child care.

Child Custody and Parenting Plans

In the divorce process, it is essential to formulate an all-encompassing parenting plan that includes aspects such as:


  • Both physical and legal custody arrangements

  • Plans for holidays and vacations

  • Details regarding transportation logistics

  • Protocols for communication between parents

  • Guidelines on decision-making power

  • Scheduling of educational pursuits and extracurricular activities

  • Procedures related to medical care decisions

  • Outline of financial obligations


It’s advisable for parents to compile a list reflecting their most important considerations concerning the parenting plan. This can be used as a guide during mediation sessions.


By devising a thorough plan grounded in clarity about what they value most, parents are better positioned to tailor-make a parenting arrangement that best suits the welfare of their children while taking into account the unique contours of familial relationships.

Mediation Requirements In Custody Issues

Should there be a situation where parents find themselves at odds regarding the creation of a parenting plan, they are required to undergo mediation as an obligatory prerequisite before proceeding to litigation.


During this process, each parent collaborates with an impartial and qualified mediator in order to deliberate on matters concerning child custody and visitation schedules. It is important to note that the mediator does not possess the authority to enforce any decisions.


The primary goal of mediation is for parents to come together and forge an agreement that serves their child’s best interest above all else. Our law firm understands the importance of coming to an amicable agreement and how mediation can divert traumatic and stressful situations to becoming peaceful for the best interests of children and clients.

little boy playing with bear



Property Division in Complex Divorce Cases

Division of assets is a key component in divorce proceedings. Under Illinois law, marital property is not simply divided evenly (50-50), but rather through equitable distribution to ensure a just allocation of both debts and assets acquired during the marriage. This intricacy arises from distinguishing what constitutes marital versus non-marital property and deliberating over multiple considerations to reach an equitable division.

Equitable Distribution of Assets

The concept of equitable distribution is designed to divide marital property fairly, considering the unique details present in each situation. It should be understood that “equitable” does not automatically imply an equal split. Instead, a range of factors are evaluated to guarantee a division that is considered just and appropriate for both parties involved.

Marital vs. Non-Marital Property

In the process of property division, distinguishing between marital and non-marital assets is crucial. Marital property encompasses both debts and assets accumulated throughout the marriage, while non-marital property consists of belongings that one spouse solely owns—usually those obtained before the union or following a legal separation.


Debts taken on prior to marrying are classified as non-marital debt as well. Yet, when assets intermingle, drawing a clear line between what is marital and non-marital can be complex.

Asset Division Factors Considered by the Circuit Court

In the process of dividing property during a divorce, numerous aspects are considered by the court. These factors encompass:


  • The financial situation of both partners

  • Contributions to the marital partnership in various forms including earnings, domestic upkeep, or child-rearing responsibilities

  • The length of time spanned by the marriage

  • The health and age of each spouse

  • Anticipated future monetary requirements

  • Potential alimony that could be granted

Any pre-existing agreements made before or after marriage (prenuptial or postnuptial) are also taken into account.

Spousal Support: Alimony for Spouses in Divorce

In Illinois, alimony, also known as spousal support or maintenance, plays a crucial role in ensuring financial stability post-divorce.


The purpose of alimony is to provide financial assistance to a spouse who may be at an economic disadvantage following the end of a marriage. This support helps maintain the standard of living that both parties enjoyed during the marriage and ensures that neither party suffers undue financial hardship.


It is crucial to hire the best divorce lawyers possible to fight for your rights whether you are seeking the appropriate amount of funds each month or concerned that you will be able to pay the alimony payments, the best divorce lawyers at Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC is here to assist you.


Chicago Family Attorneys understands the complexities involved in determining fair alimony arrangements. We are dedicated to protecting your financial interests and ensuring that the spousal support arrangements are equitable and fair. With a deep understanding of Illinois family law and dissolution of marriage cases, we navigate the intricacies of each case to secure the best possible outcome for our clients.


Alimony decisions in Illinois are not one-size-fits-all. Each case is unique and requires careful consideration of multiple factors, such as the length of the marriage, the financial resources and needs of each spouse, and the contributions of each party during the marriage. Our skilled divorce lawyers are adept at evaluating these factors and advocating on your behalf to ensure that the spousal support arrangements reflect your specific circumstances.


Whether you are seeking alimony or required to pay it, understanding the legal framework and the considerations involved is essential. At Chicago Family Attorneys, we provide comprehensive legal support and clear guidance to help you navigate the alimony process effectively. Choosing a divorce law firm to assist you is an easy choice when it comes to alimony and spousal support.


Choosing the best divorce attorneys in Chicago can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. We are committed to providing personalized legal services tailored to your needs, helping you achieve financial stability and peace of mind during this challenging time. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist with your alimony concerns and ensure a fair and just resolution in your divorce proceedings. Call (312) 971-2581 or book a consultation online. 


For more information on asset division and spousal support in Illinois, visit our page on finances and asset division in divorce cases.

Man looking out of train

Benefits of Mediation In High Net Worth Divorces

For high net worth couples in Illinois who are considering divorce or are in the midst of one, mediation presents a compelling alternative to traditional court proceedings. With significant assets at stake, mediation allows both parties to resolve their issues in a controlled and amicable environment, potentially saving both time and money.


Unlike court battles, mediation keeps disputes private and involves skilled mediators and attorneys who specialize in dissolution of marriage cases. While it's not exclusive to financial matters, mediation is also an effective way to address child custody, spousal support, and other complex issues.

Chicago Divorce Attorneys Skilled in Mediation Near You

It is essential to hire a Chicago divorce attorney who is skilled in mediation, negotiation, and constructive settlements . Divorce can be a long and emotionally taxing process, so having an experienced attorney by your side can make all the difference.


In addition to being well-versed in legal procedures and laws pertaining to divorce, a Chicago divorce attorney should also have strong communication and conflict resolution skills. This is especially important when it comes to mediation and negotiation, as these methods often involve working closely with both parties to reach a fair agreement.


When choosing a divorce attorney in Chicago, it's crucial to find someone who has experience handling cases similar to yours. If you want an amicable divorce and to have both parties come to an agreement instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars in divorce, mediation is an option that you should seek. Hiring an attorney with the skills to come to a settlement in and out of court is important. 

Hire Experienced Divorce Lawyers in Chicago

lawyer walking down the street in a suit

Securing the ideal attorney for your divorce proceedings is of paramount importance. An adept lawyer can significantly streamline the process and mitigate stress levels. What constitutes choosing an appropriate advocate? It necessitates going to initial consultations, gauging their and focus in family law, as well as judging how effectively they communicate with you and if there’s a good fit between your personalities.

Divorce Attorney Free Consultations

Meetings with an attorney provide a crucial chance to determine if they are suitable for your needs. In these sessions, you have the ability to gauge the attorney’s level of skill, their way of communicating, and how well their strategy aligns with what you’re looking for.


Be aware that consultations come at a cost, so anticipate this as part of the process. Ensuring that all relevant details are shared prior to the consultation is critical in enabling a thorough evaluation of your case. These discussions can ultimately offer essential legal counsel specifically designed for your individual circumstances.


Since the cost of hiring a divorce attorney can rise quickly, we advise that you consider looking for law firms focused on divorce that offer free consultations.


Experience and Skills for a Divorce Attorney

The significance of an attorney’s skill and focus in a specific legal area is paramount. A divorce lawyer with extensive experience carries the advantage of having well-honed skills, including proficiency in sophisticated collaborative divorce strategies and mediation tactics. For optimal outcomes when dealing with the intricacies of Illinois’ divorce legislation, it’s recommended that your chosen attorney possess a solid five to ten years or more of practice.


Selecting the right divorce lawyer who dedicates their practice exclusively to family law ensures they remain intimately familiar with the changing nuances within this field since divorce laws are not static but subject to change. It’s crucial to consult experienced family law attorneys or dedicated divorce lawyers for authoritative advice which can prove indispensable during such proceedings.


If you are seeking experienced and skilled divorce attorneys to represent you in your dissolution of marriage proceeding, call Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC at (312) 971-2581 or book a free consultation online.

Communication and Compatibility

A successful attorney-client relationship hinges on the ability to communicate effectively and share compatibility. Your unique circumstances should dictate how your attorney handles your case, steering clear of a generic strategy. An overly confrontational stance by an attorney can inadvertently extend divorce proceedings, leading to greater emotional turmoil and financial expense.


Consequently, attorneys who strike a careful balance between being assertive and empathetic often facilitate the most favorable results in divorce cases. They strive for amicable resolutions whenever possible, aligning with the best interests of those involved in the divorce process.


Call our divorce law firm at (312) 971-2581 to book a free consultation with the best divorce attorneys in Chicago.

Should I Hire A Divorce Lawyer?

When considering whether you should hire a divorce attorney to represent you in your case, it is always advisable to weigh your options and understand the benefits of hiring an experienced professional. Here are key reasons why securing proper legal representation can make a significant difference in your divorce proceedings, particularly in Chicago, Illinois.

Complex Divorce Issues

If you are facing a complex divorce, especially one involving significant assets or child custody, hiring a divorce attorney is crucial. A skilled lawyer will help you navigate through the intricate legal landscape, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive a fair settlement.

Protecting Your Rights In Divorce

Working with a law firm known for divorce litigation provides you with the benefit of their extensive experience and deep understanding of the legal system. Their knowledge and experience can significantly impact the outcome of your case, making the process smoother and less stressful for you.

Consult With Our Law Firm

Deciding whether to hire a divorce attorney is a critical step in your divorce process. If you are in Chicago, Illinois, and facing issues related to asset division, child custody, child support, or alimony, the risks of not having professional legal representation are too significant to ignore. Secure a divorce lawyer who can provide you with the legal support you need to protect your interests and achieve a fair resolution.


For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact our law firm today by calling (312) 971-2581 or book a free consultation online. Your future depends on the decisions you make now—ensure you have the right legal team by your side.

City View

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does a Chicago Divorce Attorney usually charge?

Attorneys in Chicago, Illinois that practice family law and divorce usually charge between $300 to $500 per hour. The overall price difference depends upon the skill and time in which the attorney has ultimately practiced.

What are the residency requirements for filing a divorce in Illinois?

In Illinois, initiating the divorce process necessitates that at least one spouse must have lived in the state for a minimum of 90 days preceding either the filing of the divorce or before obtaining the final judgment from the court.

This stipulation is essential to meet when beginning proceedings for a divorce within Illinois.

What is the difference between marital and non-marital property?

Assets and debts that are accumulated during a marriage constitute marital property, whereas non-marital property encompasses possessions exclusively owned by one spouse, typically acquired prior to the union or following a legal separation.

What resources are available for individuals who cannot afford private attorney fees?

Organizations that offer legal aid deliver essential legal representation at no cost or for a minimal fee to those who are unable to cover the expenses of a private attorney, serving as a crucial support system for people in need.

Who are the best divorce attorneys in Chicago?

Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC has the best divorce attorneys in the Chicago area because we use litigation planning, strategies, and tactics that allow us to represent our clients to the best of our ability in their dissolution of marriage matter. The effort, skill, and knowledge that we put forth allows our clients to experience the best outcomes in their matter.

How much is a retainer for a divorce lawyer?

The cost of a retainer depends upon your geographic location. In Chicago, Illinois, most law firms will charge a retainer between $4,000 to $10,000 depending upon the assets within the divorce, the issues regarding the divorce, whether children are involved, and the skill required to litigate the matter for the client. All of these factors determine how much is charged and what the retainer may be. At Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC, we give clients two different options usually. To make things more affordable, we have given clients the opportunity to give us a retainer which usually starts at $2,500 to $4,000 and bill at an hourly rate between $300 to $350 an hour. For clients who may struggle to pay on an hourly basis, our law firm allows an upfront flat fee and a monthly subscription cost that is paid each month. These fees vary depending upon the case itself. 

How much is a divorce in 2024?

Contested divorces in Illinois usually cost an average between $15,000 to $22,000 based upon the complexity of the case, the number of assets involved, and attorney fees. However, it is important to note that this cost can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances.


A contested divorce occurs when both parties are unable to come to an agreement on key issues such as property division, child custody, and spousal support. In these types of divorces, a judge will ultimately make decisions on these matters.


The main factor that determines the cost of a contested divorce is the complexity of the case. If there are many assets to divide, such as multiple properties or businesses, this can greatly increase the cost of the divorce. Additionally, if there are children involved and custody arrangements need to be decided upon, this can also add to the overall cost.

Another factor that can impact the cost of a contested divorce is the case's complexity. If numerous assets and properties are involved, it may require more time and resources for attorneys to handle the division of these assets properly. This can ultimately increase the overall cost of the divorce.


Ultimately, every situation is unique and there is no set number for how much a contested divorce will cost. The top divorce lawyers at Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC have managed to save an average of 30% to 40% for most clients based upon comparable cases and fees from current clients and clients that have switched from other law firms to Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC.

Who is the best divorce lawyer near me?

To determine who is the best divorce attorney in Illinois, you have to ask yourself about your needs. If your case needs significant work with regard to child custody, child support, alimony, spousal maintenance, or division of debt, ti is always a good idea to talk to the attorney you are consulting with to determine if they fit your needs. You will need to then look at the economics and determine if you can financially afford their services to the completion of your case. Thorough client interviews are ultimately the best way to find the best divorce attorney for your case.

How do I find top divorce lawyers near me?

Finding top divorce attorneys requires research and thorough consultations with the attorneys that you are considering. As top divorce attorneys in Chicago, Illinois, our divorce attorneys are ready to answer any question that you may have regarding your matter and how we will attack your case with the best legal representation possible. When participating in consultations, it is important to ask questions about experience and thoughts about your case. Seeking a divorce attorney is about finding the right attorney for your case and not every attorney will be perfect for you. A professional relationship is key between you and the attorney you are considering for your matter. Ask questions about divorce proceedings, the process, the fees, alimony, spousal maintenance, child custody, and domestic violence if they are relevant to your case.

What does a divorce lawyer do?

A divorce lawyer, also known as a family law attorney, specializes in handling legal matters related to the dissolution of marriages. Their primary responsibilities include providing legal representation, whether in court or through alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation. They assist in the equitable division of marital property and debts, ensuring that their clients receive a fair share.


Divorce lawyers also negotiate and draft agreements concerning child custody, visitation rights, and child support, aiming to protect the best interests of any children involved. Additionally, they handle spousal support arrangements, offering advice and negotiating terms that are fair and reasonable. Document preparation is another critical role; divorce attorneys draft and file all necessary legal documents, such as divorce petitions and financial disclosures, ensuring that all paperwork is accurate and submitted on time.


They also provide ongoing legal advice, helping clients understand their rights, responsibilities, and the potential outcomes of various decisions. By gathering and organizing relevant documentation, divorce lawyers build a strong case for their clients, presenting arguments and evidence effectively in court if necessary.


Overall, a divorce lawyer plays a crucial role in navigating the complex and emotionally charged process of divorce, striving to achieve the best possible outcome for their clients while minimizing conflict and stress.


Having the best divorce lawyers in Chicago litigate your dissolution of marriage case is the best choice you can make. With so many details and concerns throughout a divorce, you need top divorce lawyers in the Chicago area to represent you and fight for your rights.  Our team of experienced divorce lawyers has a proven track record of success in handling all aspects of divorce, from child custody and support to property division and alimony.


Divorce is never an easy process, but with our divorce attorneys by your side, you can feel confident that your case will be handled with care and professionalism. We understand the emotional toll that divorce can take on individuals and families, which is why we strive to provide compassionate guidance throughout the entire legal process.


When it comes to dividing assets and determining spousal support, having a skilled lawyer on your side is crucial. Our divorce lawyers have extensive knowledge of Illinois family law and are dedicated to protecting your interests. We will work tirelessly to negotiate fair settlements or aggressively litigate in court if necessary.


Call top rated divorce attorneys in Chicago, IL at (312) 971-2581 to schedule a free consultation for your matter.

Contact Our Top Divorce Lawyers

53 W. Jackson Blvd.,

Chicago, IL 60604

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