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Chicago Divorce Attorneys: Skilled legal representation

Our team of dedicated divorce attorneys provides tailored legal solutions for complex and high-conflict cases. We handle high net worth divorces, uncontested separations, collaborative divorce, and mediation services.


Our divorce lawyers approach each case with the skills, compassionate support, and strategic planning to needed to assist you throughout the legal process to achieve the best possible outcomes.

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Chicago Divorce Lawyers And Our Practice Areas

We offer a variety of divorce services to meet the unique needs of our clients. These services include handling complex divorce litigation, high net worth divorces, uncontested divorces, collaborative divorce, divorce with small businesses, and mediation services. Our attorneys are well-equipped to manage all aspects of divorce to ensure the best possible outcome for our clients.

High Net Worth Divorce

Our team handles divorces involving significant assets, business valuations, and financial complexities. We discuss the challenges specific to high net worth individuals, strategies for protecting assets, and examples of successful cases. Our approach ensures that your financial interests are safeguarded throughout the divorce process and that your rights are protected.


 By hiring our divorce attorneys, you are gaining the best legal representation to protect your finances and assets.​

Uncontested Divorce

Our divorce law firm focuses on streamlined legal processes and an uncontested divorce offers the perfect option for  for couples who agree on every aspect of divorce who want to end their divorce in a less stressful and more affordable option. Through uncontested divorce proceedings, our uncontested divorce attorneys and staff ensure that our client's needs are met by completing all of the requirements for an easy and fast uncontested divorce process compared to a divorce that is contested. The benefits of this approach allow for our attorneys to meet the goal of providing a straightforward and stress-free divorce for couples on both sides. To explore the option of an uncontested divorce and this legal service in Chicago and the surrounding counties, visit our page on uncontested divorces.

Collaborative Divorce

By hiring our divorce law firm for your collaborative divorce, you encourage cooperation and negotiation to reach mutually beneficial agreements. Throughout the collaborative divorce process, we minimize conflict and promote a cooperative atmosphere to meet the needs of our clients and foster an environment that allows couples to separate amicably. 

Mediation Services

Mediation helps resolve disputes amicably, saving time and reducing conflict. By working with our attorneys through the mediation process, the mediator working between the parties, and the opposing party within your dissolution of marriage case, we give our clients the capability to settle issues without litigation. If you are seeking an attorney to assist you with mediation in your divorce or would like to learn more about our mediation services, visit our page on mediation.


Mediation is a great option for those who would like to settle a complex divorce or contested divore in an amicable way for both of the parties. This service not only allows parties to come together, but it often saves money in marital estates that have assets.

Divorce for Small Business Owners

Divorce presents unique challenges for small business owners, as the business is often a significant asset. Our attorneys work closely with you to evaluate the value of your business, protect your business interests, and ensure its continued operation during and after the divorce. We develop strategies for fair asset division, negotiate settlements, and address related issues such as spousal support and child custody.


Divorce for small business owners and spouses of business owners may be a significantly stressful divorce issue that both parties would like to fight for in the divorce. Because there are significant assets that are within businesses and a business can be treated as marital or non-marital property depending upon the issues within the case, you want to hire the best divorce attorneys to represent you in your matter. To learn more about the process of divorce with a small business involved, visit our page on divorce for business owners.

Essential Waves

Comprehensive Divorce Services With Compassion and Skill

Navigating the complexities of divorce can be challenging, but our team of dedicated attorneys is here to provide the support and expertise you need. At our firm, we offer comprehensive divorce services designed to address every aspect of your case, ensuring that your rights and interests are protected throughout the process. From high net worth divorces to uncontested separations, our goal is to provide tailored solutions that meet your unique needs.


Our comprehensive approach begins with a thorough understanding of your situation. We take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and develop a strategic plan that aligns with your objectives. Whether you are dealing with the division of significant assets, business valuations, or complex financial matters, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to handle even the most challenging cases.


In addition to addressing the financial aspects of divorce, we also provide support for emotional and relational issues. Our mediation and collaborative divorce services are designed to minimize conflict and promote cooperative solutions, helping you and your spouse reach mutually beneficial agreements without the stress and expense of litigation.


We also understand the importance of ensuring full financial transparency and equitable distribution of assets. Our discovery process involves gathering all relevant financial information through tools such as interrogatories, subpoenas, and depositions. This comprehensive approach ensures that no asset or liability is overlooked, providing a solid foundation for a fair and just resolution.


At our firm, we believe that every client deserves personalized attention and dedicated representation. Our attorneys are committed to guiding you through the legal process with compassion and professionalism, helping you make informed decisions and achieve the best possible outcome for your future.


If you are facing a divorce, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Let us help you navigate this challenging time with confidence and peace of mind. To book a free consultation with a skilled divorce attorney from Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC, call our office at (312) 971-2581 or book a consultation online using the calendar below.

Key Issues In Chicago Divorce Cases

​Divorce can involve a multitude of complex issues that require careful consideration and experienced guidance. In Illinois, these key issues include asset division, equitable division, child custody, child support, orders of protection, domestic violence, real estate sales, dissipation of income, investments, retirement funds, and other related matters. Understanding these issues is crucial for achieving a fair and equitable outcome in your divorce.

Asset Division and Equitable Divison

In Illinois, the division of marital assets follows the principle of equitable division, which means assets are divided fairly, but not necessarily equally. Marital property includes all assets and debts acquired during the marriage, and the court considers various factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse's contributions, and their economic circumstances.


Non-marital property, such as assets acquired before the marriage or through inheritance, is typically excluded. Our attorneys will help you identify and value marital assets, negotiate settlements, and ensure an equitable division that protects your financial interests.

Child Custody and Child Support

Child custody and support are critical issues in any divorce involving children. Illinois law focuses on the best interests of the child when determining custody arrangements, which can include joint custody, sole custody, or a combination of both. Factors considered include each parent's involvement in the child's life, the child's needs, and the parents' ability to cooperate.


Child support is calculated based on the income shares model, which considers both parents' incomes and the needs of the child. Our attorneys will work to ensure that custody and support arrangements meet your child's needs and provide stability.

Orders of Protection and Domestic Violence

In cases involving domestic violence, obtaining an order of protection is crucial to ensure the safety of the victim and any children involved. An order of protection can include provisions to keep the abuser away from the victim's home, workplace, and children.


Our divorce attorneys are experienced in handling domestic violence cases and can help you obtain the necessary legal protections to ensure your safety and well-being. Orders of protection would apply to divorce since the parties are related or have been in a romantic relationship. Other forms of protective orders are also available, but often do not allow for the same protection as an Order of Protection.

Real Estate Sales and Division

Real estate is often one of the most significant assets in a divorce. Whether it's the marital home or investment properties, the division of real estate requires careful consideration. The court may order the sale of the property, or one spouse may buy out the other's interest. Factors such as contributions to mortgage payments and property improvements are considered in determining each spouse's share. Our attorneys will guide you through the process of valuing and dividing real estate assets to ensure a fair outcome.

Dissipation of Income

Dissipation of income occurs when one spouse wastes marital assets for non-marital purposes, such as spending money on an affair or extravagant purchases. In Illinois, dissipation claims must be made in a timely manner, and the burden of proof lies with the accusing spouse. Our attorneys can help you identify and prove dissipation, ensuring that marital assets are not unfairly depleted.

Dividing Investments and Retirement Accounts

Dividing investments and retirement funds can be complex, especially when considering tax implications and future financial security. Marital investments, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, are subject to equitable division. Retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s and pensions, may require a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) to divide the assets legally. Our attorneys will work with financial experts to ensure that your investments and retirement funds are divided fairly and in accordance with the law.

Skilled Chicago Divorce Attorneys

Divorce involves a multitude of complex and issues that are often intertwined within cases. Divorce cases in Illinois require careful navigation and skilled legal guidance. Our divorce attorneys are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and representation in all aspects of divorce, from asset division and child custody to orders of protection and sales of a marital residence.


Our divorce law firm and attorneys understand the emotional and financial challenges you face and are committed to helping you achieve a fair and equitable resolution. Contact us today by calling (312) 971-2581 or book a free schedule a consultation to learn more about how we can assist you in navigating the complexities of your divorce.

Essential Waves

Alternatives to Divorce

Annulments for Invalid Marriage

An annulment is a legal procedure that declares a marriage null and void, as if it never existed. In Illinois, annulments are granted based on specific legal criteria, such as fraud, coercion, or incapacity at the time of marriage. Reasons a marriage may be invalid include:

  • Fraud or Misrepresentation: One spouse lied or misrepresented an important fact that was essential to the marriage.

  • Coercion or Duress: One spouse was forced or threatened into the marriage.

  • Incapacity: One spouse lacked the mental capacity to consent to the marriage.

  • Underage Marriage: One spouse was underage and did not have the legal consent of a parent or guardian.

  • Bigamy: One spouse was already legally married to another person at the time of the marriage.

  • Incest: The spouses are closely related by blood and are prohibited from marrying under state law.


​If you believe your marriage qualifies for an annulment, our team can guide you through the process, explaining the steps involved and the potential legal consequences. Annulments can be complex, but we are here to help you navigate this process with clarity and confidence. For more information on annulments in Chicago, Illinois, visit our page to discover how an annulment may be an option to resolving your marital issues.


Legal Separation Cases

Legal separation allows couples to live apart without formally ending their marriage. This option provides a way to address issues such as property division, child custody, and support without proceeding to a divorce.


Our attorneys will explain the differences between legal separation and divorce, the benefits of separation, and how it might be a suitable option for your circumstances. Making a knowledgeable and educated choice on how to resolve issues within your marriage is important to finding peace of mind. The process of legal separation is often overlooked and undervalued in marital litigation, but it may be a viable option for those who do not want a divorce or are considering the possibility of reconciliation. Visit our page on legal separations in Illinois to discover how this legal option may be able to assist you.


Legal separation can be beneficial for couples who are not ready to divorce or who have religious or personal reasons for remaining legally married. If you are exploring the option of divorce or alternatives, call our attorneys for a free consultation at (312) 971-2581 or book a free consultation online

Both annulments and legal separations offer unique advantages and considerations. Our goal is to provide you with the information and support you need to choose the best option for your family. Whether you decide to pursue an annulment, legal separation, or another alternative, we are committed to helping you achieve a fair and positive outcome.


If you are considering alternatives to divorce, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our experienced attorneys will help you explore all your options and make the best decision for your future.

Essential Waves

Legal Representation With A Divorce Law Firm

Navigating the complexities of divorce requires experienced legal representation to protect your interests and achieve a fair resolution. At Chicago Family Attorneys, our dedicated team of divorce lawyers provides personalized legal services tailored to your unique circumstances. We handle all aspects of divorce, including asset division, child custody, spousal support, and more.


Our attorneys are well-versed in Illinois divorce law and committed to guiding you through every step of the process. We prioritize clear communication, strategic planning, and compassionate support to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.

Why Choose Us For Your Divorce Case?

  • Knowledgeable in Illinois Divorce Law: Our attorneys have extensive experience handling diverse divorce cases in Chicago.

  • Personalized Approach: We tailor our legal strategies to fit your specific needs and goals.

  • Comprehensive Services: From mediation to litigation, we offer a full range of divorce services to address all aspects of your case.


To schedule a consultation with one of our skilled divorce attorneys, call us at (312) 971-2581 or book a free consultation online. Let us help you navigate this challenging time with confidence and peace of mind.

Divorce Lawyers Near Me

Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC offers comprehensive legal representation for clients facing various types of divorce cases, including mediation, contested divorce, uncontested divorce, collaborative divorce, high net worth divorce, and divorce for small business owners.

Cook County Divorce Attorney Services

Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC offers comprehensive legal representation for clients facing various types of divorce cases, including mediation, contested divorce, uncontested divorce, collaborative divorce, high net worth divorce, and divorce for small business owners.

DuPage County Divorce Representation

Our DuPage County attorneys provide customized legal strategies for:

  • Mediation services to facilitate mutual agreements

  • Handling contested divorces with dedication

  • Streamlining uncontested divorce procedures

  • Collaborative divorce for cooperative resolutions

  • Protecting assets in high net worth divorces

  • Assisting small business owners with business-related divorce issues

Lake County Divorce Lawyers

Our Lake County team supports clients through:

  • Mediation to minimize conflict

  • Representing clients in contested divorce cases

  • Facilitating uncontested divorces efficiently

  • Collaborative divorce to maintain amicable relations

  • High net worth divorce, ensuring fair asset division

  • Safeguarding business interests for small business owners

Will County Divorce Services

Our Will County divorce attorneys offer comprehensive support for:

  • Mediation to resolve disputes amicably

  • Contested divorce representation

  • Simplifying uncontested divorce processes

  • Collaborative divorce for cooperative solutions

  • Managing high net worth divorce complexities

  • Protecting business assets for small business owners


At Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC, we understand the unique challenges of each divorce case. Our team collaborates with financial experts to accurately value assets and protect your interests throughout the divorce process.

Contact Us

If you are facing a divorce in Chicago or the surrounding counties, it is crucial to have experienced legal representation. Contact Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC today to schedule a confidential consultation by calling (312) 971-2581 or book a free consultation online. Our team is dedicated to guiding you through the complexities of divorce while protecting your personal and business interests.

Choose Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC for dedicated and knowledgeable legal support in mediation, contested divorce, uncontested divorce, collaborative divorce, high net worth divorce, and divorce for small business owners. Let us help you navigate this challenging process with confidence and discretion.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Divorce Representation

What types of divorce services does Chicago Family Attorneys offer?

Chicago Family Attorneys provides services including high net worth divorces, uncontested divorces, collaborative divorces, mediation, and handling complex financial matters.

How is property divided in an Illinois divorce?

Illinois follows equitable distribution, meaning property is divided fairly based on contributions, economic circumstances, and other relevant factors.

Can child custody arrangements be changed after the divorce?

Yes, modifications can be made if there are significant changes in circumstances, such as changes in income or the child's needs.

What if my ex-spouse does not comply with divorce orders?

Legal actions, such as wage garnishment or contempt of court, can be taken to enforce compliance with divorce orders.

How can I find an divorce lawyer near me?

Chicago Family Attorneys, LLC has lawyers well-versed in all forms of divorce in Illinois. By contacting our law firm, you can book a free consultation to learn how our divorce attorneys can assist you to ensure that your rights are protected in your dissolution of marriage case.

Contact Our Divorce Attorneys in Chicago Illinois

53 W. Jackson Blvd.,

Chicago, IL 60604


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